All of us are scared of something. It usually stems from some form of trauma that happened in our past, or, which I see most often now, is created by the controlled media and our governments around the world.
Did you know that fear forms part of psychological warfare? It is also a tactic used to control the masses.
Remember that there is no money in healthy people. Also, people who live in fear, are too scared to fight back.
If you have been following my work, you will know that I am very big on preaching the importance of staying in a high frequency state. Healthy cells vibrate at a higher frequency, while diseased cell vibrate extremely low. To get a better explanation on this, and tips on how to raise your vibrations, naturally, watch this short presentation that I made for the Wellness Lifestyle Conference in 2021:
Your mind is you most powerful weapon. You can either use it to your benefit, or you can use it to destroy yourself - as in completely!
Every single thought that you have, has an effect on the reality around you. Words that are spoken or written also carry great power. They don’t call it ‘spell-ing’ for nothing. You actually create your own reality. What you put your attention on, becomes your reality. I want to use two examples to demonstrate this Quantum concept. Example 1: Lucy lost her grandmother to Cancer when she was a little girl. She grew up believing that it runs in families and she was terrified of getting it herself. She was careful of what she ate, obsessively double checking ingredients in foodstuffs and exercising regularly. However, her focus stayed on the big ‘C’. Everytime she felt a small bump in her breast, discovered a new mole…..she rushed off to the doctor’s office, convinced that it was cancer. So guess what? At the age of 24, she was diagnosed with cancer! As a sovereign being, she manifested her own illness. To really get behind the nitty gritty (and if you don’t mind getting slightly technical) I suggest you take a deeper dive into Quantum Physics. It seems complex in the beginning, but once you grasp the concept, it will all fall into place and all of this will become so obvious. Marina Jacobi (The Harmonic Reactor) simplifies her Quantum Teachings and she is easy to understand. Find her recordings here:
Now let’s take a look at a second example:
A new miracle drug was ‘discovered’ and they were busy with clinical trials. As you know, participants in these trails would be in different ‘control groups’. One group (A) would actually be getting the drug, the other group (B) would only receive a placebo.
Every participant is monitored closely to see how they react. All participants believe that they are receiving the drug.
Robert was in the placebo group. He had so much faith in the new drug and believed that it was his miracle cure. Can you guess what Robert’s results were after 14 days of ‘treatment’?
Yes! He was almost completely healed! He was on par with the participants in the ‘real drug A’ group. This phenomena has baffled scientists for millennia.
Mind over Matter.
As simple as that. YOU can heal yourself!
The truth about everything is starting to come out. That includes the power of natural healing vs the ‘old’ modern medicine route.
How can YOU get rid of fear?
Fear of change, fear of being alone, fear of public speaking, fear of heights, fear for the wellbeing of others? The list is endless! By dealing with these issues on cell level, you will understand what it means to feel ALIVE again!
I love using the vibrational healing powers of Flower Essences in my treatment plans. I get much faster results by healing the emotional aspects in a client, first. I custom blend mixes as per each client’s personal history.
I am privileged to be able to work with 100’s of South African flowers and thus I am not stuck with the limited Bach Remedy selection. That means that I can pin-point issues and blockages in more detail.
* Please watch the presentation (as mentioned above) if you haven’t done so yet. It will open up so many doors in your understanding of optimal health! ( Root cause analysis, full reports with customised protocols are drawn up by using a combination of natural healing modalities. I focus on getting your body back into balance. Both on a physical AND emotional level. Once you start this process your body will regain it’s ability to heal itself again. If you would like to book an online consultation, kindly send me an email (with CONSULT in the subject bar) to: