Quantum Radionics
Quantum Radionics analyses frequency patterns from the patient’s body or from harmful substances to diagnose and treat a wide range of illnesses. The treatment involves a holistic approach, rather than targeting symptoms. The aim of bioresonance therapy is not to suppress or mask a symptom but to remove the cause.
All substances and materials, including every cell and part of the body as well as viruses, bacteria, pollen, toxins etc emit electromagnetic waves. Each substance has a specific wavelength or frequency pattern.
Quantum Radionics sees organs, diseases, and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These vibrations can be expressed in numerical values, which are known as ‘Rates’. These provide the means by which the practitioner identifies and treats a disease at a distance.
Take note: Quantum Radionics work from the outside, in, peeling away at the layers, like an onion. Herbs and medications work from the inside, out.
Using Quantum Radionics to heal is an exciting new approach to health and wellness, to help people find lasting solutions to their health problems.
Quantum Radionics is a method of sending precisely defined healing energy to people, animals, or plants, no matter where they are in the world. Quantum Radionics use distance treatment and broadcasting for healing, independent of the distance between practitioner and treated subject.
"I've been sleeping much better and I feel more relaxed. My bloating seems to be lessening.
My period is a few days late but maybe it's waiting for the right time 😂. Oh and I have much more energy. I don't feel so drained and depleted anymore
I've been referring you to anyone who will listen to me. It's amazing what this has done for me! I feel much more grounded and centered.
Thank you so much for everything!"
Leila M (after 1 overnigt session)